Friday, June 16, 2006

YouTube Anime Clinkies

Lately, I've been watching fandubs and fansubs on YouTube.

fansub: an anime that a dedicated fan spent endless hours during his summer vacation using his Jellybean to find translations for and put subtitles on, that he then uploads to the Schminternet for possible glory and probable jeering by his peers.

fandub: the same thing as a fansub, only the dedicated fan gets his friends to dub their own voices into the dialogue instead of just using subtitles.

Jellybean: Those clear, colorful Macs from the mid to late 1990's.

Fansubs and fandubs aren't as great as the professional, store-bought, non-bootleg anime but then again... they are free. There's nothing like watching an anime where the subtitles just conveniently miss a sentence or five.

Anyway, I'm providing the links to them here, for future people looking for free, low-quality anime. If anything, these will just convince you to buy the real thing. I'll be adding more as I find them. P.S. Stink Pants, we need to buy Serial Experiments Lain.

Serial Experiments Lain: Episodes 1 through 13

Kizuna OVAs 1,2 and 3 Warning: This contains yaoi

Hellsing OVA

Kiddy Grade: Episodes 1-24

Koi Koi 7: Episodes 1-9

Monster: Episodes 61 to End


Claytonian said...

I watch Detective Conan and yakitate japan, as well as the occassional drama like densha otoko

Byagi said...

Nice - this will keep me busy for a while. Good stuff.