Thursday, June 03, 2004

Genuine Conversations by Laura and Stink Pants #5

This was after I told Stink Pants #5 that Miss Australia had won the Miss Universe contest, and Miss USA got first runner up (I don't think she should've gotten that far. Her costume was a big white Native American headress with large white feathers and a skimpy top and bottom. I think it even had sequins on it.)

Stink Pants #5: I didn't know the contestants asked questions to each other.

Laura: Yeah, I guess it's something new. The contestents ask a question and the ones that make it to the final round have to answer a question from someone onstage. I think Miss Paraguay got Miss USA's question.

Stink Pants #5: What was it?

Laura: Something about if you could meet any woman leader in the past or present, who would you meet and why. I think Miss Paraguay said Eva Peron. (Pause) It's a good thing I wasn't in the Miss Universe contest.

Stink Pants #5: Why?

Laura: I probably would've asked something like, "If you found a dead baby seal on your porch, what would you do and why?"

Stink Pants #5: That's why you'll always be my Miss Universe.

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