Wednesday, June 09, 2004

I don't care what anyone says, Wil Wheaton is awesome!

I just stumbled onto Wil Wheaton's website, WWdN. I had to read a bit, because I always thought he was so cool as Wesley from Star Trek: The Next Generation. Okay, actually I thought he was really cute. I always go for those geeky types. Stink Pants #5 is a penultimate geek. He'd be an ultimate geek if he watched Star Trek, but Stink Pants #5 resides in the Star Wars camp, and I don't think I'll ever get him to leave *sigh*.

Anyway, as I was reading Wil's blog, I found out he has a wife (oh well) and even better, he's a fan of Illuminati and Family Guy and Futurama! He actively writes and voice acts for cartoons! He drinks Guinness! That's all stuff I do (or want to do, with regards to the voice acting... oh, except for the Guinness. Lots of my friends drink Guinness. I think it's ucky coffee beer, but I associate coolness with people who drink it.) Wil Wheaton hasn't fallen off the face of the earth! Hurray!

Here's a post that I found particularly funny. Brian, Peter and Quagmire from Family Guy make an appearance.

So, maybe in another life, in another time, if we'd known each other, we probably would've been good friends. Either that or bitter nerd enemies that try to one-up each other all the time with useless trivia. It would still be kosher though. Even arch nemeses (that's the plural of arch nemesis, right?) have respect for one another (Look at Batman and the Joker, Professor X and Magneto, Me and Stink Pants #5).

Oh, by the way, I was really disappointed that Wil Wheaton only appeared in one, maybe two scenes in Star Trek: Nemesis. He didn't even get to talk.

So anyway, here's a link to his audioblog. That's actually how I came across it. I was looking up stuff on audioblogging and found Wil's website.

Don't worry Stink Pants #5, you have nothing to fear. I'm not leaving your for Wil Wheaton. I *would* however, knock you down so I could shake his hand :-D

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