Saturday, June 26, 2004

One Flew Out of the Cuckoo's Nest...and kept on runnin'

A person of questionable mental health escaped from the community health place last on Thursday night. He's still running loose.

I wouldn't be that concerned about it normally, because most people who stay at the community mental health compound aren't dangerous, but this guy is. He was being held at the compound until his trial for assaulting a student at a nearby college. He somehow got hold of a master set of keys and escaped on Thursday.

On Friday, he assaulted three people with a hammer, so much so that they had to be taken to the hospital. Two were in critical condition. I had heard about this yesterday while I was at work.

When I drive home, I have to pass the community mental health compound. There was one police car parked in front of it, by the railroad tracks. As I drove further, I saw three more cars parked in front of the state park. When I got home, my mom was gardening.

Laura: Mom! Get inside! There's a crazy person on the loose.

Mom: I know, they locked down where I work today. (Mom works in a facility near the community mental health compound.)

Needless to say, Mom wasn't too concerned. She spent all day today in the garden as well. She said she had a shovel, and if anyone approached her, they'd get it.

Yesterday, the news said they've got the area that the escapee is in narrowed down to a quarter of a mile radius, but they still haven't found him. Today, the news said the police still haven't found him, and that he's probably long gone. I still hope that they catch him, but I also hope the guy is long gone somewhere far away from my house.

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