Thursday, July 29, 2004

Russian Blogspot Roulette

If you guys will notice, I added a new feature to the sidebar. Now you can just click to a random blogspot. I showed this to Stink Pants #5, and I'm sad to say that the first random blog he got was an amateur porn blog. I don't know. I didn't see it, but I guess there are a lot of them. The first one I got just now was Texas Conservative. Actually, out of the four times I've tried it just now, the most recent posts of three of them deal with the politics and the Democratic National Convention in some way or another.

It's really a gamble. Sometimes you'll get politics; sometimes you'll get porn. It makes me really appreciate the ones that are just snippets of someone's daily grind, or the ones that are full of poetry, or even the ones that are in a different language, like this one.

Click on it, and it'll open a new window. Just enjoy it, or ignore it. Sorry if there's too much porn.

I have to say one more thing that has nothing to do with the rest of this post. My parents are watching the Democratic National Convention, but they're watching it on two different TV's and on two different channels. Because of this, the audio isn't in sync and it sounds like John Kerry is speaking from a baseball park or something. It's kind of annoying.

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