Monday, August 30, 2004

< /Vacation> August 2004...Wahhhhh!

Vacation August 2004 is now over. Stink Pants #5 left this morning. I am a sad panda.

Anyway! Here are some pictures of my vacation. Just click on the thumbnail to see the bigger picture.

We saw this in Las Vegas at the Luxor:

The camel on the right is the smart camel and the one on the left is the dumb camel. You can tell because the camel on the right is a female with a British accent, and the camel on the left is a male that sounds like Goofy. Noona, Wonka, Stink Pants #5, Mom and I stayed at the Luxor for two days and two nights. I donated $80 to the Luxor's "Make Laura feel like a loser" fund.

We saw this in San Francisco:

I thought about buying some, but I didn't. Man, now that I think about it this would've made an awesome gag gift. Dammit!

We saw this in Portland:

This happy guy is Todai. Todai's is a sushi buffet and it's awesome! Everything is so little and bite size that you could eat there all day and not feel full. I probably could've eaten a ton more than I did if I hadn't had four hours of sleep the night before.

This last one is a picture of Hoochie Momma's baby, Meow.

I probably should've asked before I posted it, but I think her identity is well hidden by her Rastafarian disguise (that's my hair, by the way). Isn't she adorable! I hope the Professor doesn't get to upset about my posting a picture of his daughter on the Internet, but I figure she's a baby and she'll look completely different in a couple months.

Since Audblog went down, I couldn't post anything for a couple days. Then I just didn't bother to check if it was up again. Instead, I made a list of all the things I was going to talk about instead.

1) Don't buy food or toiletries at airports or casinos unless you absolutely have to. They will only rape you and take your money. If you can find a drugstore (of which there are many within walking distance on the Strip) buy your pop and sunscreen there.
Example: I spent four dollars for a wine glass of pop at the bar in Bellagio. On the way back to the Luxor, I stopped at the Rite Aid and bought a twenty oz. Cherry Coke for a $1.19. Bellagio, I bite my thumb at thee.

2) Cell phones and tunnels don't mix. I used to have a cell phone, then I didn't for a long time, then I got one again. I was talking to Samantha on the train from San Francisco to San Leandro, and we went into a tunnel. Long story short - I felt like a complete idiot, and I called Sam back later to apologize.

3) Lecheplan = good. Lecheplan = cholesterol. Therefore, good = cholesterol, which eventually = death.

My Tita Ding Ding makes this Filipino desert called lecheplan. It's like flan or custard, but one hundred times more sweet and delicious, and one thousands times more bad for you. Here are some of the ingredients: One can evaporated milk, one can condensed milk, eight egg yolks, 1/4 cup sugar caramelized into syrup... delicious!

4) Bob Sagat, why must you annoy me so? When you're in San Francisco, it's easy to get the theme to Full House stuck in your head.

5) Portland has it out for us. When Stink Pants #5 and I arrived in Portland, it was raining. Very uncharacteristic for this time of year. It stopped raining after we left. Boo!

6) Mt. Hood = waterfalls + sore legs. Hoochie Momma and The Professor live in the foothills of Mt. Hood. If you like hiking and waterfalls and outdoorsy stuff, go there! You'll love it. Stink Pants #5 and I were on a trail up the mountain when a guy coming down the mountain said that it was six miles of wilderness. I made Stink Pants #5 turn around and head back to the car.

8) Babies are awesome. I suggest everyone get at least one, if not two. Roar and Meow are as cute and adorable as ever, especially since Roar is walking all over the place.

That's all for now. There's a ton more stuff I could've talked about, but I didn't want to fit it all in this one post. I hope you guys aren't bored of it already.

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