Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Party like it's 1999

There are two schools of thought on reunions. The first school believes that reunions are essentially fun and an all around good idea. People who belong to this school include: my coworker Vicky, all of the G-clan Mommas*, The Learning Channel and VH1.

The other, more sinister school believes that reunions are a general waste of time. People who ride on this train of thought include: Ish, andy, the Jackson Five, and until just recently, me.

I suppose it wasn't very fair of me to judge high school reunions the way I did, since I've never been to one; but no one is ever very happy in high school to begin with. The idea of reliving those "cherished moments" seemed on par with a haircut given by a one-legged dog, if not worse. I went to my reunion anyway, not because I had something better to do with my time and my fifteen dollars, but because I was curious to see who would be there. That and I'd have some moral support with Patlick, so if the party sucked we could leave early and get drunk somewhere else.

That morning, I didn't even remember there were reunion festivities to take part in. Well, I did remember, because I knew Patlick was going to be in town and the main reason she was in town was to help with the reunion.... So I guess in the back of my mind, I did know. There was also the fact that my mother kept the flyer that was sent to my house in May announcing the reunion, and she stuck it to our refrigerator.

Anyway, I gave Patlick a call. I was hoping to hang out with her before the reunion, but being on of the organizers she had to help with the decorations. She asked me if I wanted to help. After I was finished laughing I asked her if she wanted to do anything after the reunion.

Patlick: Why don't you just come to the reunion? It'll be a lot of fun...

Laura: Tell you what, if you stop by on your way to the reunion, I'll go with you.

Patlick: Really?!

Laura: Yeah...

Patlick: Should I call before I come?

Laura: Sure.

It was settled then. I was going to the reunion.

To be continued...

*Contrary to popular belief, Bubbles Momma does not like reunions, and therefore belongs in the second school of thought.

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