Monday, September 06, 2004

The Ballad of the "No One Ever Has To Drive To Midland, Which Sucks Ass, Again" Potluck

There is a house in mid-Michigan
They call it andy's home!
and it's been the ruin of many a-drunk kids
and God, I know I'm one.

Okay, so the parady isn't that great, but neither was my performance at the Jeopardy Drinking Game at andy's house. At least everyone liked the lecheplan!

The day started out pretty good. I met up with Aegis and found andy's house after a minor amount of backtracking (by the way, thanks for the help, Aegis!). The lecheplan that I worked so hard on spilled a little on my floor mat, but otherwise survived the trip safe and sound.

The beginning of the party was great! I saw a bunch of people I haven't seen in a long time (well, pretty much everyone at the party was someone who I haven't seen in a long time, or someone I've never met before). We ate lots of good food prepared by the best damn chefs in the lower peninsula. There was also much singing and revelry outside, of which I have video proof! (albeit dark and grainy). Kudos to Ish for providing the musical entertainment and extra special thanks for also capo-ing "House of the Rising Sun" up a step so I could sing it in my range :-).

Later, the party moved indoors to escape the attack of the killer mosquitoes. Again, there was much mingling and catching up with each other. It wasn't until anderella's family left that we decided to play what I'd been waiting all week for, The Jeopardy Drinking Game.

Here are andy's house rules for the Jeopardy drinking game:

First, tape a bunch of Jeopardies. (We found that five is more than enough when five people are playing four against one.)

Two people play against each other in head to head combat, and the person who fails to answer the question correctly first has to take a drink. If both people are wrong or don't know, they both have to take a drink. If they both shout the answer at the same time (a tie) no one has to drink.

Everyone plays the Final Jeopardy question. Write your answer down on a piece of paper, if it's wrong, take a drink.

Everyone takes one drink when Alex Trebek tries to be funny (Why did you have to try to be so damn funny Alex, why?)

Everyone takes three drinks if a player tries to physically attack Alex Trebek.

The person who is the most drunk loses.

We all lost.

Man, I haven't been that shit-faced in a long time, and I thought I was doing good.

Ish did very well, considering he was playing against everyone else.

My drink of choice is a cheap version of amaretto sours. The more I lost my questions to Ish, the funnier everything got. (Amazing how that works, isn't it?) I found that as the night wore on, the ratio of amaretto to Squirt went way down. I didn't vomit though. I'm glad I didn't, because I ate a lot of salmon and deviled eggs.

At the end of the Jeopardy madness, I was laughing at everything. I played GTA 3 and just drove around killing people with my taxi cab. HILARIOUS! Master Millheim was spouting nonsense about life and sleeping bags, Ish was singing away on his guitar and andy was video taping me swearing at the police. Everything gets a little foggy after that, we watched some Sports Night and there were many drunken calls to Stink Pants #5, but at least I remember more than Master Millheim, who is the one dressed in blue in the previous post.

All ended well though. This morning we recouped by eating the leftovers from last night, said our goodbyes and headed off to our respective houses at about 1:00 in the afternoon with our bodies and minds (mostly) intact.

I think the "No One Ever Has To Drive To Midland, Which Sucks Ass, Again" Potluck was a success. It achieved all of its goals: To celebrate andy's birthday, to catch up with old friends, and to get wasted helping Ish train for Jeopardy.

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