Thursday, September 02, 2004

Community Theater Circus

I went to the first rehearsal for my local community theater group. It was a typical first rehearsal, the read-through. I didn't get a script. Why? Because I'm in the chorus...again.

I used to do community theater when I was in high school. It's probably been six or seven years since my last play (which I think was Once Upon a Mattress). Coming back to the small white church that is our "space" brought a lot of memories.

Nostalgia washed over me as I walked in. The church is the same, but all the people inside it have changed. The first person to greet me was Dan, who's been in these plays since before I started. When I left, he was just engaged. Now I think he and his wife are expecting a baby. There were these two kids who I remember being thieves and orphans in Oliver! and now they're playing the romantic couple in the minor storyline.

I always seem to be cast in the chorus for these community theater shows. One time I actually had a part. I was Liat in South Pacific (imagine casting a person whose parents emmigrated from a Pacific island country, as a Pacific islander. Wondrous!). I think I had a total of six lines, and three of them were one word lines. Oh well. Being in the chorus can be fun, and easy. I already have my line learned. In addition to being a cowgirl in Buffalo Bill's travelling show, I'm also Society Girl #3. Here's my line: Charmed. I can think of a million ways to say this word. I wonder which one I'll pick.

You know, I did want to be the part of Winnie, the romantic minor female part, but when I saw who they cast as her opposite I was kind of glad I didn't get the part. It would be hard to get used to kissing a kid who is seven years younger than me (especially when he's a sophomore in high school).

I wonder how this production will be. I always loved being in these when I was in high school, but I had a couple friends who would do it with me. Going there tonight, most of the people there were either high school or younger, and their parents.

Oh! My dentist is in the play. He's the King of Italy. I felt weird, because I brought a pop to the rehearsal. The last time I was in his office, he lectured me for drinking too many sugary drinks. At least being in this play will be good for my teeth, because I'll be drinking more water.

I've started down the road, and now I've gotta walk to the end of it. I never quit a play, I enjoy acting too much! (Well, I did quit one time, but I was going to live with my B-Momma and her family. They were paying me to babysit and getting paid is usually better than not getting paid.) This will definitely be an experience. The directors usually find neat extra things for the chorus to do, so maybe I'll get to learn some rope tricks or something :-).

Oh yeah! Another thing. The director of the play cast herself as the lead. I didn't think it was fair that she gets to direct and be Annie Oakley, but I can't blame her. If I ever got the chance to be the lead in a play and direct, I'd revel in it.

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