Thursday, September 30, 2004

The Daily Show - News for a Lazy Person

The Daily Show

Is it bad that I get most of my worldly/political news from The Daily Show? I don't think so. Before the Daily Show, I never watched any news shows. At least I watch one now, right? If I watch some other political show, like that O'Riley show or Crossfire or Hardball, I would have to do some serious research and homework to figure out what the heck they're saying. Political science was never my best subject (at least I knew what bipartisan meant before watching it though, Drew Barrymore).

The Daily Show provides me with a way to find out what is basically going on in Politicadia (I made that word up) without feeling like a complete idiot. I now know how most people generally view the presidential candidates (Bush = war monger, Kerry = flip flopper, Nader = crazy bastard) and I can get the jokes most people make.

When I went to the G-clan Fourth of July Family Fun Extravaganza 9000 in TC, the G-clan ladies talked a little bit about politics on the front porch. They spoke of their views on the election, the differences between conservatives and liberals, and which presidental candidate would look good in a thong (okay, not really, but I'm giggling at the faces I'm imagining everyone making right now :-D.) Had that exact same conversation taken place in a dimension where I didn't watch The Daily Show, I would've had no idea what they were talking about. Luckily, I live in a dimension where I do watch The Daily Show, and I had a little more than a vague idea of what they were saying.

You know, I think the writers of The Daily Show are more liberal than conservative. You can tell that they try to pick on both parties equally, but I think they pick on Republicans just a smidgen more. Eh, just an observation.

Anyway, thank you Daily Show, for making politics a little more fun for the lazy bastard in all of us.

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