Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Birthday Parade Hurrah!

Well, it was another good weekend in the Princess Blogonoke universe. Not only was Sunday Pumpkin Festival Parade day, but we also celebrated Butter's third birthday party! Here are some pictures of the happy day!

Here's Thing 3 enjoying our local chapter of the Democratic Party.

"It's my birthday today, okay?"

My dad took this picture. He's very proud of it.

The Shriners are coming! The Shriners are coming!

I would have taken more pictures of the cool floats in the parade and the birthday party, but Dad took over the photo duties. He took pictures until the batteries ran out of juice. I think he'll get his own camera soon :-).

There was a little bit of drama yesterday too! Apparently, a guy was run down by the police because his parade entry was deemed "inappropriate." They showed a picture of it on the news. He had a red truck with a dummy of George W. Bush in the back. The dummy had a pitchfork in his head and he was making obscene gestures with his hands! When the police told him he couldn't have it in the parade, he hit one and took off running. They tackled him in a bush. The parade went off without a hitch though, because no one knew about it until they watched the news that night.

Other than that, the day was great! I saw Patlick, we watched a movie on Saturday and went out to dinner on Sunday. She left for Pittsburgh today, but I'll see her, and a bunch of the G-clan on Thanksgiving.

Hurray for family!

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