For the rest of you, NaNoWriMo is now! (or a nine days from now)

November is National Novel Writing Month! It's the month where aspiring writers write as much beauty or crap (or beaucrap) as they can in a limited time frame. That's right! 50.000 words in thirty days! That roughly works out to 1670 words a day. (yes, yes. For all my nerdy friends, 1666.66666 etc.)
I first heard about NaNoWriMo from my pal, Samantha. She participated in it last year with one of her other friends. I didn't hear about it until it was too late to enter, but I resolved to do it the next year, and that's what I'm doing!
I haven't decided if I want to blog my whole novel. I usually don't like to let other people see my work until it's finished. Then again, the dang thing may never be finished and maybe no one will see it, like my "People Happen" play. I might get embarrassed with all the crap that comes out...what do you guys think? To blog the novel, or not to blog the novel?
Anyway, I know there are a bunch of you out there who are writers. I won't name names (yes I will, andy, Ish, Sam, and yes, you Stink Pants #5! and don't think if I didn't name you, you're not included because you are!) who have lots of creative ideas and who I know have been meaning to write something large and bulky. Now's your chance! If you've got a lot of time on your hands and work well when you're pressed for time, then I think you should do it.
The only thing is, I might not write on the blog as often as I'd like, because it's hard to write when you have two projects tapping (or sapping) your creative energy. Maybe it'll be easy to write with two projects. I don't know, we'll just have to see.
So, write, write, write! You can do it, I know you can! It's not like you have anything better to do!
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