Monday, December 13, 2004

Christmas Shopping Done?

I'm one of those people who doesn't Christmas shop all year round. I start thinking about shopping around December 1st, but this year I didn't actually start buying presents until last weekend. I have most of my shopping done. There are a couple more things I need to buy... and some things I need to send out... but for the most part, I'm done.

It's different than when I was in college. I remember not having any money, and not really buying presents until I got home, around December 23rd or so. What presents I hadn't bought on the SchmInternet, I got by scavenging on that dreaded shopping day: Christmas Eve.

I can even remember promising Noona to have her present by December 31st, because it just hadn't arrived yet. Not good, but it's the thought that counts, right?

Anyway, it's easier to buy presents when you have a job and a decent shopping area nearby.

This year will be my first Christmas at Stink Pants's home town in Wisconsin. It'll also be my first Christmas with his nephews, D-Man, T-Man and R-bot. D-Man and T-Man are both four (or are they five? No, I think they're four.) R-bot is one. This should be hectic, especially since R-bot is an expert at running now. I bought them clothes (boring, I know) but Stink Pants bought them toys, so it balances out. As for his sisters and parents, Stink Pants has them covered. I just have to give Stink Pants some money and put my name on the card. It's a little lazy, but this way we can get them big presents instead of two little presents.

I got to speak to D-Man on the phone.

Laura: Hi! How are you?

D-Man: Hey, are you the one in the picture with Unca Lukie?

Laura: Yeah! That's me!

D-Man: (some stuff that I didn't understand.)

Laura: What do you want for Christmas?

D-Man: A rabbit!

Laura: A rabbit?!

D-Man: You know, as a pet.

Laura: I think your mom would kill me if I got you a rabbit. What are you going to name the rabbit?

D-Man: Megatron!

Children are so precious!

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