Tuesday, February 08, 2005

I Need to Get Off My Ass

It's been a month or so since my last restlessness post, so I'm about due for another. Here's a list of stuff I've been meaning to do, and haven't.

Item 1) I need to get out of my house more. Kareoke on Wednesday nights and rehearsals are awesome, but I'm beginning to snap at my parents which I'm sure they don't appreciate too much.

Item 2) I need to start taking some classes or something. I'd like to take some acting or art classes, but first I need to find a program that will accept me.

Item 3) I probably should take the GRE sometime soon. This year.

Item 4) I need to stop ignoring all my girlfriends. All the important gals in my life have been emailing me, and I haven't said a word to them. That's bad, because a number of them are going to be in my wedding (if they still want to be my friends, that is.)

Item 5) Man I want to be in plays and write more. It's hard to get enthusiastic about the things that truly interest me when my most immediate concerns are asking me for Mr. X's file or trying to steal doughnuts without my noticing (she ate another quarter of a doughnut this morning).

I just feel so stagnant, stuck, mired, restrained. I'm going to see Stink Pants #5 this weekend. Maybe we can get our lives planned out a little better in between lobster dinners :-D.

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