Thursday, March 24, 2005

Stuff my Parents Say

Dad and Laura are sitting at the dining table. Mom comes in from watching a home redecorating show in the other room.

Mom: Venetian plaster. I want to use Venetian plaster to cover our fireplace... (Mom goes on. Dad and Laura just look at each other.)

Mom: Venetian plaster. Remember that, okay? I saw them use it to... (Mom goes on.) (Dad starts smiling.)

Dad: Hey Laura?

Laura: Yeah?

Dad: How do you make a Venetian blind?

(Laura starts giggling. Mom is still talking. Mom hears Laura and turns around to see Dad grinning like a cat and Laura giggling like an idiot.)

Mom: Oh estop. (Laura busts out laughing. Mom goes back to the other room to finish watching the show.)

Laura: Okay Dad, I'll bite. How do you make a Venetian blind?

Dad: You poke him in the eyes.

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