Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Yesterday, I walked into Hell Week.

For those of you who don't know, "Hell Week" is the week before the opening of a play. It consists of hammers, nails, heavy lifting, paint, yelling, stolen naps and waiting around for something to do/get done.

I was supposed to be at the our rehearsal space at 6:00 am (yes, that's A.M.) to load cars and truck everything over to our performance space 2.5 miles away. I got there at 7:00, thinking that not everything will be loaded yet.

I was wrong.

I got there, all the doors were locked. So I go to the performance venue, the local Knights of Columbus Hall. Hey it's dinner theater. It's community theater. It's dinunity theater.

So anyway, I got razzed for being late and was promptly sent out to bring parts of our stage in from the barn. My arms are still sore. We had to build two walls because there are doors in the play that need to be able to open. We finished setting up around 5:00.

At 6:30 the older cast, in costume (no make-up though) started their run of the play. Including stops and notes, the whole run lasted until 8:30. By 9:00, the younger cast, already in costume took the stage for a whole nother run of the play. I didn't get home until 11:30. Floating home, I cacked out on my bed by 12:15.

Sorry this post is so boring. I don't feel too creative right now. Actually, it's Monday night and I still feel exhausted.

The great part is, my cast (you know, the one I was so worried about) actually did a decent job of the play. I know they say that a bad tech rehearsal means a good opening night, but I'm hoping the weeks of bad rehearsals we used to have will make up for that.

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