Friday, January 27, 2006

My Sister, the Fashion Domanista!

Is domanista a real word? Probably not. Does it matter? Not at all! I'm making up a new word! Take that Stephen Colbert! Truthiness my ass! I can make up words too.

Anyway, domanista is simply a woman who dominates. In this case, Noona, my sister, will dominate the fashion world in her NEW JOB as a merchandising assistant for jewelry for NY and Co. She starts on Monday. This is her year! I hereby claim 2006, Year of The Dog (starting January 29), Noona's year! (At least until August 26th. Then I'm claiming the rest of the year as my 1/3 year, since I'm getting married and all.)

I know what you're thinking... how can Noona be a domanista if she's a merchandising assistant? Well, obviously, she has to start somewhere. It's only a matter of time before her company and the rest of the world recognizes her super fashion domanista abilities :-) Soon, they'll all see and Noona will truely be the leader of the free fashion world! Muwahaha hahahahahaha!

Look out world! Here comes Noona the Fashion Domanista!


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