Thursday, November 23, 2006

Stink Pants #5 has a New Baby!

No, we're not pregnant, so save your hyperventilating for another day. Stink Pants is the proud father of a new...

Nintendo Wii!

Let me start by saying that Stink Pants really wanted to have one of these they day they were released. I could've cared less and didn't mind waiting a couple months, or even a year. I did know that Stink Pants was planning on spending a ton of money though. So to offset that expenditure, Samantha and I went shopping at a sample sale. Woohoo!

Anyway, Stink Pants woke up at 7:00 am on a Sunday so he could walk to the nearest Target and stand in line. Luckily, he found a co-worker to stand with, so he wasn't alone in his misery when he found out there were only five left, and Stink Pants and his friend were about twenty people down the line. It's a good thing his co-worker had a car, because they were able to drive to the closest Circuit City... only to find out they were sold out as well.

On the verge of tears and grasping at straws, the two adventurers find their way to the mall, where there is a small Gamespot. Success! The mall opened at 10:00 am, and they were third in line when the employee opened up the door. It turned out that the store received two hundred Nintendo Wiis. They had a midnight opening the night before and sold one hundred ninety of them. There were ten left and Stink Pants and his friend were each the proud owner of a Nintendo Wii, some new games, and an extra Wii controller.

Stink Pants didn't want me to post a video, but I did. He's lucky I didn't post the one of him boxing. Please enjoy Stink Pants and Wii Tennis. Notice the pants. I got those for him two Christmases ago.


Anonymous said...

AWSOME-O!!! Now I get to play all of the games when I get there. I'll eat greasy foods first and then I'll touch the controllers!!

Please put a video of him boxing. Thank you. =)

Claytonian said...

lucky! can't even pre-order in Japan.

Anonymous said...

I'll second the comment about the boxing.

P.S. No comment on the pants.

Princess Blogonoke said...

Stink Pants won't let me upload the boxing video. He doesn't want to be an online sensation and have the whole internet audience looking at his "no comment" pants.

Anonymous said...

andy sez:

He won't LET you? Who wears the pants in your family? I'm pretty sure I know who doesn't. Post the video.

Princess Blogonoke said...

oooo, them's posting words.