Saturday, March 24, 2007

Here Comes the Sun... Wahhh!

andy sent this to me. I just had to share it, not because it's great (even though it is quite uplifting) but because it had to opposite effect of what it was supposed to do.

As you can see, it's a video clips of Studio Ghibli films put to "Here Comes the Sun" which if you don't know is a very light and positive song. I was really enjoying it, until I saw a clip from Grave of the Fireflies. I was automatically sad in a bittersweet sort of way. Grave of the Fireflies is a movie of such immense beauty and pain, it's almost indescribable. Everyone I know who has watched it has loved it. Everyone I know who has watched it has also cried at some point or another, including Stink Pants #5. It was really cute. We were sitting on a couch watching the movie, and suddenly I hear some sniffling beside me.

Laura: Stink Pants, are you crying?

Stink Pants #5: ... (sniff) No. (Laura looks over at Stink Pants, only to see tears in his giant panda eyes.)

Needless to say, whenever I see something that reminds me of that film I reminisce of how it made me feel so overcome with striking beauty and devastating sadness at the same time. It's like wanting to laugh and cry at the same time. I highly recommend that everyone see this movie, but don't watch it if you're not prepared.

First, get some tissues (just in case). Even the hardest hearts can be melted with Setsuko's laugh.

Second, get someone to watch it with. You don't have to watch it with someone if you want to bawl your eyes out with impunity, but be sure you have someone you can hug after it's over (stuffed animals will do, I suppose).

I also recommend that you do not show this movie to children under 12 (unless you want to see them cry).

Grave of the Fireflies is the type of movie that you'll own, but you probably won't watch often. I have it, but I haven't actually watched it in the last 3 years. I still wouldn't want to be without it though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

andy sez:

I guess it's been a while since I've seen Fireflies. I can see the images of the happy children frolicking without calling to mind their ultimate fate. When I watched it, I knew what was coming, but Corrie watched it the summer I was in New Mexico assuming it was some lighter weight entertainment like Spirited Away.

The clip was really best for the first minute or so, after that, not as good. It did brighten my Friday a bit before I got in the car and discovered the WUOM had switched into fund-raising mode forcing me to (horror!) listen to music playing stations for a week (It seems to be beyond my abilities to get some CDs and put them in my car).