I think these are pictures from our alma mater's production of "Bus Stop" where Lenny played a singing cowboy. If I remember correctly, andy and ish thoroughly questioned the sexual orientation of Lenny's mustache.

Step into my Parlor. Dead Sexy Musings and Candy Secrets. My thoughts on stuff for my friends and others to laugh at and share.
A: We require a simple offering of furry lip and bare chin.
L: Well, I am too busy scratching myself.
A: Let's be diplomatic.
L: Of course, Techies ... have a reputation of scruffiness to consider.
A: Madman! You're a madman!
L: Furry lips and bare chins ... you will find plenty of these outside of Detroit.
A: No man threatens a messenger!
L: You bring weird requests of facial hair to my city steps. You insult wearers of goatees everywhere. Oh I have chosen my words carefully. Perhaps you should consider wearing a goatee.
A: This is blasphemy! This is Madness!
L: This is Michigan Tech!!! (Kicks the messenger in the balls.)
andy sez:
Thank you, Laura.
Yes, thank you Laura, and Andy.
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