Sunday, July 25, 2004

I'm a nerd, and I know it

I've just spent the whole day being nerdy, and it felt good.

It's just a lazy Saturday. I never changed out of my pajamas, and I indulged in one of my guilty pleasures. I watched Star Trek Voyager all day. It's a lot less expensive than my other guilty pleasures, lobster and sushi, but it still counts.

Voyager isn't even the Star Trek series that most "Trekkies" prefer. I theorize that the Star Trek heirarchy of most loved series' goes like this (from most loved to least): Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek Deep Space Nine, Star Trek Voyager, and Enterprise. I can't be sure about that last one, because I've only seen one episode of Enterprise. It was the first episode, and I wasn't impressed (so much so that I think it sucked. If anyone has a different opinion, feel free to express it).

I realize that this isn't the only thing that makes me nerdy. I also realize that my nerdiness is not entirely due to my environment. It's genetics. My family owns the first and second seasons of Star Trek Voyager (among other Star Treks) but I wasn't the one who bought them. Dad spent most of the time talking about how inconceivable all the techno-gobbledygook was, but he still watched them all with me. It's a nice father-daughter way to spend time.

My dad is a nerd. Actually, his nerdiness transcends any nerdiness that I could hope to achieve. Stink Pants #5 came up with a way to measure a person's nerdiness by imaginary hats. I'll have to explain it later, but suffice to say that Daddy's nerdhat is a big flashy sombrero.

It's almost 3:00 am, and that's the latest I've stayed up in the past three weeks.


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