Sunday, September 12, 2004

Nerd Hat

Stink Pants #5 and I have a way of measuring now nerdy someone is by the size of their imaginary nerd hat. The type of nerd hat varies with your nerd specialty, i.e. role-playing games, knitting, Nascar racing, WWII airplanes, scrap-booking etc. Your usual nerd hat depends on what you're most nerdy about. A golf nerd might have one of those Scottish highland hats with the pom-pom on top, and the size of the hat would determine how nerdy that person is about golf. You can also switch your nerd hat depending on what you're talking about. I might be wearing my math nerd hat one minute, and my Zatoichi nerd hat another. There are general, non-descript nerd hats too that encompass many genres of nerdism. Here's a list of some nerd hats Noona, Stink Pants #5 and I have made up.

Big Flashy Mariachi Nerd Sombrero (this is what my dad would wear, because he knows a ton of stuff)

Nerd Stetson

Nerd Top Hat

Nerd Fedora

Nerd Newsboy Cap

Nerd Baseball Cap

Nerd Elf Hat

Nerd Beanie

Nerd Swim Cap

Nerd Earmuffs

Nerd Visor

Nerd Tiara

Nerd Hair Pick

Nerd Bobbie Pin (That's about how big my sports nerd hat is.)

If you have any good ones, feel free to add to the list of nerd hats. Also, which nerd hat are you usually wearing? I'd like to think I typically sport a nerd fedora.

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