Thursday, September 16, 2004

This is My Day

All right, it's Wednesday night (Thursday morning) and I have nothing to talk about. I don't have any cool subjects to talk about or anything like that, so I'm just going to talk a little about my day.

I woke up late this morning, but it was all right because I work at 1:00 on Wednesdays.

I had a McDonald's hamburger for lunch, and it made me blow my pants out. Guess that's a sign that I'm getting old.

Work went by without incident. (Blaaahhahhahahahaahhhhh!)

I came home to watch Jeopardy with my Mom. KenJen wins again. (surprise, surprise)

Oh! Here's something interesting! I'm gonna see Stink Pants #5 this weekend! Hurray!!!!!

Anyway, I talked to Noona. She's making lecheplan. You know how you can tell Noona and I are sisters? She called and told me she burned her finger. The exact same finger on the exact same hand in the exact same way. She was trying to taste the syrup, she thought it was cool and it wasn't. At least she was able to make the syrup correctly! Isn't it pretty?

I've been putting stuff up for auction for Dad. He used to be a big eBay-er, then the office opened up and he got really busy. Lately he's been wanting to post more stuff, but he doesn't know how to put pictures on the SchmInternet, so I've been helping him with that. We did really well last night. We put up two DVD's for auction, and today they were both already sold! Here's the link if you want to check it out. I don't know how the stuff we put up today will sell, but the stuff we put up yesterday sold, so who knows?

Lastly, Noona just showed me this story about Martha Stewart going to jail. She'll probably do all right. I don't know why, but Martha seems like the kind of lady who'd make other prison ladies her bitches. Does anyone else get that impression? Maybe it's just me. It's just that she's so calm and collected on the outside, which makes me think she's ruthless, cold, and an alien robot inside. Everyone knows that alien prison robots make other prison ladies their bitches. It's common knowledge.

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