Sunday, October 03, 2004

Stuff my parents say

Mom, Dad and Laura take Princess Pinoy out to eat at a local Japanese restaurant.  Being in a Japanese restaurant, the conversation moves to samurai films and of course, Zatoichi.  Mom can't quite remember which samurai movies she has seen.

Mom: I want to watch some Ichi movies.  

Dad:  There are two more Ichi movies.

Laura:  Are they ones we've seen?

Mom:  What are those Ichi movies?

Dad:  Oh, if they'e Ichi movies, you should scratch them.  (Princess Pinoy and Laura erupt in laughter)

Mom: What? What did he say?

Laura: (through the giggles) Mom, he said if they are Ichi movies, you should scratch them!

Mom: (to Dad) You are not allowed!

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