Sunday, October 24, 2004

What to write?

It's funny. I feel like writing, but I don't know what to write. It's probably good that I have this urge to write since NaNoWriMo is coming up, but the writing bug hardly stays long, if at all. Actually I can feel it going right now.

I find it's easier for me to write when I'm alone, like now. My parents are asleep, it's 3:30 in the morning and the only thing I can hear is rain on the window and loud typing. It's also easier for me to write when I'm a little sad and sleep deprived. It's hard to write when you're happy, you know? Then everything you write is tinged with happiness and that can lead to a greeting card-like quality in everything you touch. Everyone knows how well greeting cards read (Hope you enjoy this blessed day, and when you go on your merry way, I hope I see you and stop you to say, Have a cupcake and a merry birthday! Blagh.)

Maybe that's why some of the best writers were so depressed, like Emily Dickinson and Edgar Allen Poe. It's easier to feel things when you're vulnerable, and it's easier to write stuff down when you're wait...that was Poe.

It's been a while since I've written anything introspective like this. Usually my posts are about my family, or stuff that recently happened, or stuff that I think is funny/boring/cool/annoying/neat. I tend to shy away from these types of posts, because I honestly don't think people are interested in reading about what I'm thinking about. Then the blog becomes more like a diary, something private and just for me. I guess I just realized I don't write here just for me. Well, it's mostly for me and so I can remember interesting things later, but it's also to entertain my friends and family, and let them know what's going on in my life.

In a smaller way, I also write non-introspectively so total strangers who drop by my blog can read something here and laugh out loud, without having to really know me, then move on to the next one. So many times I've gone blog-hopping (just pressing that random blogspot link over and over again) and come across blogs that were really boring because they mostly had to do with what happened in so-and-so's life and whether that guy/girl likes him/her etc. That, and political blogs (another thing I try not to write about. You never know who you're going to offend.)

So I guess that's it. I'm done with blabbering on about what goes on in my head for now. If anyone has anything to say, please do :-). I don't know if anyone will see this until Monday though, because according to my statcounter, more people visit my blog on weekedays.

Oh, and I just checked how many words this post was. Including this comment it's 499 words. Far from the 1670 words per day mark, but that's okay.

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