Monday, March 21, 2005

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today was my birthday. I'm 24. There's about 35 minutes of birthday happiness left.

It's weird, because I feel old. I know, I know. Everyone older than me right now is going, "She thinks she's old?" Everyone younger than me is going "Man, she's old." I feel old because right now is the oldest I've ever been. I guess in that respect I'll always feel old.

Anyway! Here are my birthday presents from Stink Pants #5 and Noona!

Presents galore!

The first one is my Chococat purse with Cinnamaroll chopsticks! The second present is my Denise Interchangeable Knitting Needle set. The last one is the t-shirt that Noona's going to send me. Aren't they awesome-o?!

Just for fun, here's a picture of Stink Pants and me at the cast party for the play I was in. You'll notice my rosy cheeks. That's because I had half of an amaretto sour.

Look at our shiny faces!

So how did I celebrate my birthday did you say? Well, after work I went to the mall to buy myself a present... and I didn't find anything I particularly liked, so I left empty-handed. Then I went to Genji's and bought a rainbow roll and a caterpillar roll to take home and share with my mom. That was cool. After that, I went to Big Boy's with C-whore, her sister Death, and her mom Vicstro five-oh. Hanging out with them is always a barrel of laughs. Good times, good times. Then I came home, spent an hour on the phone with SP#5, and now I'm posting about my day.

That's it :-) All in all, a pretty mellow birthday but awesome nonetheless.

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