Sunday, May 22, 2005

Weekend Lazies

I've been really lazy this weekend. Actually I've been really lazy all week (I know what some of you are saying, "How's that different than any other time?" Well, suck it.)

I've been feeling more creative lately, but I haven't done anything about it. I haven't written anything, plays, music, short stories, nothing. I feel the need to though, and that's more than I've felt in the last four weeks combined.

Maybe it was because of my lack of Stink Pants #5. Before last weekend, I hadn't seen good ol' Stinko since he came down for the play I was in in March. Yes, that's right, March.

Why hadn't we seen each other in two months? I think it's because we're both stubborn and cheap. He didn't want to make the drive to see me, I didn't want to make the drive to see him, and because of that, we didn't make the drive to see each other. Also, gas is uber expensive nowadays and goodness knows if I can't spend $10 on a shirt, I certainly can't spend $40+ on a tank of gas twice in one day. (Well, I could, but I wouldn't like it.)

Stink Pants made it down last weekend for the party though, and now that we've spent some time together, all is right with the world (for the time being at least.)

He's coming down again on Thursday, but this time he's flying. FLLYYYYYIIIIINNNGGG! Then, we're going to visit Noona, Wonka and the Ninja Cats in New York with Mom and Dad. It's gonna be fun!

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