Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Hop a long, Barong barong!

I've been getting some questions from my family and friends about whether the guys should wear barong tagolog to our wedding or not. Normally, I would put this on the wedding blog, but I'm not sure how many people actually visit the wedding blog, so I'm posting it here too.

First of all, I suppose I oughta explain what a barong tagalog is. It the formal attire for men in the Philippines. Traditionally, a barong tagalog is worn untucked, with black pants and a white shirt underneath (they're kind of see-through). There is a female version of the barong tagalog too. It's just more fitted and all around more girly looking. The ones I've seen have bell sleeves.

Here's what the wiki has to say about barong tagalog.
Here's another source of barong information.

Should our guests wear barong tagalog? Well, it's up to you. Wear whatever you are comfortable in. The barong tagalogs that we've found on the Schminternet can cost anywhere from $60 to $100, depending on how fancy you plan on looking. Stink Pants #5, the groomsmen and the bearer-kin will be wearing barong tagalog. It was Stink Pants' idea. Not only is he paying homage to my cultural heritage, but he also doesn't want to rent a tux or wear a suit on a potentially hot day. My dad and my godfather will be wearing barong too.

As I said before, barong tagalog is appreciated but not required. If you do decide to buy a barong, here are some websites you can get them from.



I humbly request that you don't get what Stink Pants and the rest of the bridal party are wearing :)

Stink Pants' white jusi barong tagalog

Groomsmen cream jusi barong tagalog

Ring bearer, Coin bearer and Bible bearer cream jusi barong tagalog


Anonymous said...

andy sez:

It's amazing how much the model wearing SP#5's barong tagalog looks like SP#5.

So if I'm too cheap to buy a barong tagalog for myself, can I just wear any see-through garment?

Princess Blogonoke said...

I know! They're like twins! Maybe they were separated at birth!

If you come to my wedding wearing any obscene garments, see-through or otherwise, (I'll be the judge of what is obscene) You will die. I can't guarantee what type of death it will be, because I will be beyond mad.

Don't mess with a girl and her wedding... (enter ominous music here)

Byagi said...

Yeah, having one naked man there in the middle of the rest of your wedding party wouldn't be too much fun, would it?