Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Stuff my Mom Says

Laura and Mom are watching the Scripps National Spelling Bee.

Proctor: Zouave

Kid Speller: Repeat the definition...

Mom: Zouave. P... S... A... B. Zouave (Laura looks at Mom incredulously)

Laura: P? P? P... S A B?

Mom: Yes! P! Like pneumonia!

Kid Speller: Zouave... Z... O... U... A... V... E. Zouave.

Laura: Mom! Is that even a word?

Mom: Oh stop.

Ten minutes later. Laura is typing down their previous conversation for posterity on the blog, but she doesn't quite remember how Mom spelled her misspelled word.

Laura: Mom? How did you spell it again? P S A B? P S O A B?

Mom: P S A

Laura: P S A B?

Mom: Laura! I spelled it wrong! (Laura dissolves in a vat of giggles) Why do you keep asking me?! Jeeze!

1 comment:

Lynn Green said...

Laura sounds pretty bright.