Thursday, May 18, 2006

Website Tested, Laura Approved: Laura and Stink Pants #5 in South Park

I got this link over a year ago from B's website and I completely forgot about it. If you get a chance, go there and listen to his radio show. No extra downloaded programs needed!

Anyway, I was looking through my old post drafts and practicing some necessary purging of now old, obsolete topics when I saw this:

South Park Studio Version 2

So I went there. Last year I made Powerpuff Laura's Powerpuff Family.

This year I just made pictures of Stink Pants and me. Here's me:

South Park Laura
Notice I have a kitana for fighting evil and a cocktail because fighting evil makes me thirsty. Sometimes a girl just needs a girly drink to make the evil go down. Also, I used the chinpokomon eyes for my picture. Why? Eh, why not? I look happy :D

Here's my rendition of Stink Pants #5.
South Park Stink Pants #5
Stink Pants #5 is decidedly not happy. He's mad, probably because there were no "balding" hairstyles, only Hair and Bald. Notice I gave him a red lightsaber and put it in his his left hand (Stink Pants is left-handed) Doubly sinister!

I'm so happy Stink Pants lets me tease him so much! Any other guy would probably take this way too personally.

The only way to save your pictures on the South Park Studio is by using the old print screen trick.

1) When you've got your South Park You the way you want it, press prt scrn (or Print Screen).

2) Then open an image program like Microsoft Paint and press ctrl+V (or go to "edit" and click "paste").

3) Then save your picture! If you send it to me, I'll post it here. I'd love to see a South Park Noona or South Park andy or South Park [enter your name here]. Send me some!


Anonymous said...

andy sez:

Okay, I made one and emailed it to you. I might have emailed it to an old account though. If you don't get it, email me from whatever address you're using now. My email's the same as always.

Princess Blogonoke said...

It's still the main account I use. I have a gmail account, but Stink Pants is the only one who ever emails me there.