Sunday, January 14, 2007

Video Tested, Laura Approved: What would you do if 100 people started chasing you?

This is from a Japanese television show called Troop of One Hundred. I tried to find more info about it on the Schminternet, but anything I could find just linked back to this video.

Anyway, enjoy!

P.S. Clay, have you heard of this show?


Claytonian said...

funny, I saw that the other day too. There are no clues to the name of the show. This type of stuff seems kinda rare on the shows I watch.

Princess Blogonoke said...

I couldn't stop laughing when I saw this! I probably sounded like a hyena on helium.

little rabbit arisu said...

Hey, how did the car search go??

Princess Blogonoke said...

It went!

We may have a car this weekend, if the dealership can pull their heads outta their bums and fix their fax machine.

Fax machines. The root of the bane of my existence. I thought I was done with them, but they haunt me.


Amanda said...

Fax machines are haunting you? What's the story behind that? VCR's I could understand, seeing as how you guys literally beat one to death up north, but what happened with the fax machine?

Princess Blogonoke said...

Back when I was working at the office: People + Fax Machines = Aggravated Laura. I'd explain it more, but I really don't want to. Meh.